Indian Share Market


Rights and Obligations

What to expect from a depository participant? What are your rights?
A depository participant is obligated to give you prompt and efficient service, effect timely transfer your securities and safely hold your securities with it. Always be aware of your rights.

What are your obligations?
As an investor, it is your obligation to carry out necessary due diligence while opening the account. You must make timely payment to your depository participant in respect of fee and other charges. You must keep the delivery instruction slips (DIS) in safe custody to avoid its misuse. You must bring to the attention of your DP any discrepancy observed in the holding statement and transaction statement issued by your DP at periodical intervals.

What happens in case of a dispute?
If there is a dispute between you and your depository participant, bring the facts of the case immediately to the notice of depository participant. Follow it up with written complaints if the same is not resolved within reasonable time. If still nothing is done, write to the depository of which he is the member with all the facts of the case and necessary documents. Follow it up. You can also write to SEBI if your complaint is not resolved. It is possible for you to write your complaints online. You may get the relevant details from the websites depositories (, and of SEBI which is

Categories:   Depository and Participants


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