Splitting and Consolidation
Quote driven trading: Trading where brokers/market makers give buy/ sell quote for a scrip simultaneously.
Record date: Record date is the date on which the beneficial ownership of an investor is entered into the register of members. Such a member is entitled to get all the corporate benefits.
Rematerialisation of shares: It is the process through which shares held in electronic form in a depository are converted into physical form.
Rolling settlement: The settlement process where every day is a settlement day. For example T+2 rolling settlement means that the shares traded on Monday would be settled on Wednesday and so on.
Screen based trading: When buying/selling of securities is done using computers and matching of trades is done by a stock exchange computer without human intervention.
Secondary Market: The market for already listed and issued securities of a company.
Settlement: It refers to the scrip-wise netting of trades by a broker after the trading period is over.
Settlement guarantee: Settlement guarantee is the guarantee provided by the clearing corporation of clearing house for settlement of all trades even if a party defaults to deliver securities or pay cash.
Splitting/Consolidation: The process of splitting shares that have a high face value into shares of a lower face value is known as splitting. The reverse process of combining shares that have a low face value into one share of higher value is known as consolidation.
Spot trading: Trading by delivery of shares and payment for the same on the date of purchase or on the next day.
Stop transfer: The instruction given by a registered holder of shares to the company to stop the transfer of shares as a result of theft, loss etc.
Stock Broker: Member of a stock exchange, who acts as an agent for buyers and sellers of securities in the secondary securities market.
Sub broker: An agent of a stock broker whom assists clients in buy/sale of a security of a company in secondary securities market.
Categories: Stock Glossary
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